About Our Industry
fairfieldpetroleum Energy Services is a full-service environmental and social consultancy that provides a wide range of solutions to engineering firms, mining, oil, and public agencies. Our diverse team of professionals includes environmental geologists, hydro geologists, civil & environmental engineers, sociologists, marine biologists, and economists totaling over 40 years in experience.
Established in 1992, fairfieldpetroleum Energy Services. is an accredited environmental and social consultancy located in Monrovia, Liberia. Through our achievements we have earned the respect and trust of our peers locally and internationally by always setting a standard of excellence. fairfieldpetroleum. is actively involved in the advancement of sustainable development practices and has served as an essential resource to the Liberian EPA in the development of local environmental policy. Both our company and staff are fully acredited by the Environmental Protection Agency of Liberia, and fairfieldpetroleum. has also received a certificate of reconginition from the EPA.